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Recursos TraductorTo depart or when the plane leaves the ground
to depart or when the plane leaves the ground
Resultado de la traducción
para salir o cuando el avión despega del suelo to depart or when the plane leaves the ground
Go away before i start to cry Traducción de 'Go away before i start to cry'
The train departs at noon Traducción de 'The train departs at noon'
2. be at variance with.
Be out of line with Traducción de 'Be out of line with'
3. leave.
The family took off for florida Traducción de 'The family took off for florida'
4. go away or leave.
5. remove oneself from an association with or participation in.
She wants to leave Traducción de 'She wants to leave'
The teenager left home Traducción de 'The teenager left home'
She left her position with the red cross Traducción de 'She left her position with the red cross'
He left the senate after two terms Traducción de 'He left the senate after two terms'
After 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes Traducción de 'After 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes'
6. wander from a direct or straight course.
plane sustantivo
1. an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets.
The small plane soared through the clear blue sky, leaving behind a trail of condensed water vapor. El pequeño avión surgió por el cielo azul claro, dejando atrás un rastro de vapor de agua condensada.
2. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape.
The geometrician carefully drew a plane to represent the two-dimensional surface of the object in her mathematical model. El geómetra dibujó con cuidado un plano para representar la superficie bidimensional del objeto en su modelo matemático.
3. a level of existence or development.
The concept of spiritual growth is often discussed in terms of ascending to higher planes, where one's connection with the universe and inner self becomes more profound. El concepto de crecimiento espiritual se discute a menudo en términos de ascender a planos superiores, donde la conexión con el universo y el yo interior se vuelve más profunda.
4. a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood.
The carpenter used a hand plane to smooth out the rough edges of the wooden plank before assembling the bookshelf. El carpintero utilizó unauela de mano para suavizar las esquinas rugosas del tablón de madera antes de montar la estantería de libros.
5. a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood.
The skilled craftsman reached for his trusty plane to smooth out the rough edges of the wooden table top. El habilidoso artesano alcanzó su fiel plancha para pulir los bordos ásperos de la mesa de madera.
present adjetivo
1. temporal sense.
The present moment is all that matters; let's focus on the here and now, rather than dwelling on past regrets or worrying about the future. El presente es lo único que importa; vamos a enfocarnos en el aquí y ahora, en lugar de pensar en los remordimientos del pasado o preocuparnos por el futuro.
As we walked through the ancient city, I felt a strong connection to the present landscape, which seemed eerily similar to the ruins depicted in historical texts. Mientras caminábamos por la ciudad antigua, sentí una conexión fuerte con el paisaje actual, que parecía sorprendentemente similar a las ruinas descritas en los textos históricos.
2. being or existing in a specified place.
The murderer is present in this room Traducción de 'The murderer is present in this room'
Present at the wedding Traducción de 'Present at the wedding'
Present at the creation Traducción de 'Present at the creation'
ground sustantivo
1. the solid part of the earth's surface.
The hikers followed the trail along the ground, careful not to slip on the loose rocks. Los excursionistas siguieron el sendero a lo largo del suelo, cuidadosamente no para resbalar sobre las rocas sueltas.
2. a rational motive for a belief or action.
The scientist's ground for rejecting the new theory was based on empirical evidence, which showed that it conflicted with established laws of physics. El fundamento del científico para rechazar la nueva teoría se basó en evidencia empírica, que mostró que conflictaba con las leyes establecidas de la física.
3. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface.
The farmer tilled the ground to prepare it for planting the new crop of wheat. El agricultor aró la tierra para prepararla para sembrar el nuevo cultivo de trigo.
4. a relation that provides the foundation for something.
The strong bond between the two friends was the ground on which they built their lifelong partnership, and it weathered every test of time. El fuerte lazo entre los dos amigos fue el fundamento en que edificaron su sociedad de por vida, y resistió cada prueba del tiempo.
5. a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle).
The enemy troops were fighting fiercely to gain ground on the western flank of the battlefield. Las tropas enemigas luchaban con fiera determinación para ganar terreno en el flanco occidental del campo de batalla.
6. the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground.
The photographer carefully composed the shot to focus attention on the flowers in the foreground, while the rolling hills in the background became the ground of the scene. El fotógrafo compuso cuidadosamente la toma para centrar la atención en las flores del primer plano, mientras que las colinas ondulantes de fondo se convirtieron en el suelo del escenario.
7. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use).
The farmer tilled the dry ground before planting the crops, hoping for a bountiful harvest. El agricultor aró la tierra seca antes de sembrar las cosechas, esperando una cosecha abundante.
8. a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused.
The artist carefully considered the ground of her painting, ensuring that the subtle gradations in color would create a sense of depth and dimensionality. El artista consideró cuidadosamente el grounds de su pintura, asegurándose de que las sutiles gradaciones de color crearían un sentido de profundidad y dimensionalidad.
9. a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage).
The electrician carefully connected the grounding wire to the metal pipe to ensure a safe and stable electrical connection. El electricista conectó cuidadosamente el cable de tierra al tubo metálico para garantizar una conexión eléctrica segura y estable.
10. (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting.
The artist carefully primed the ground before starting her watercolor piece, ensuring a smooth and even base for the colors. El artista cuidadosamente preparó el suelo antes de comenzar su pieza de acuarela, asegurando una base lisa y uniforme para los colores.
11. the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface.
The artist carefully applied the ground to the canvas before painting the intricate details of the landscape. El artista aplicó con cuidado el lienzo sobre la tela antes de pintar los detalles intrincados del paisaje.